Our Mission
Enchanted Gardens promotes a broad collaboration of citizens, scientists, students, community organizations, and institutional partners all in the service of exploring how we can cultivate more nourishing relationships with our local flora and fauna.
Our dream is for the fertile volcanic soils of this natural garden to support flourishing plants, happy pollinators, and an ecosystem of learning opportunities for how we humans can better tend to our ecological neighbors, especially those native and endemic species who first called this place their home.
Our interdisciplinary team finds its inspiration in the spirit of these islands as we work to bolster the sustainability and resiliency of Hawaii.
Goal One: Seeding Relationships
Cultivate partnerships with community organizations, institutions, scientists, students, activists, and citizens who share an interest in local ecologies.
Goal Two: Growing Community
Create an ecosystem of programming that supports educational experiences in conservation, preservation, sustainability, botany / horticulture, zoology (especially entomology), and community engagement.
Goal Three: Pollinating Collaborations
Provide a case study in how community groups can come together to activate land for greater local resilience, knowledge-sharing, and ecologically harmonious well-being.